The area for development is approx. 267,000 m2 and is located to the east of the adjacent Aldemar Olympian Village Resort. The initial architectural plans (valid urban plan from 1965) illustrated 213 individual parcels of land grouped in 26 blocks of buildings. In this preliminary layout, the land plots range from 1,000m2 to 1,200m2 and have a building coefficient of 0.2 allowing for developing residences of 200m2-240m2 (see below master plan).
Our Structure
The configuration of the residential plan does not have to be a complex one. The idea is to design it so as to bear resemblance to the 10th cent. BC, site layout plan of Ancient Olympia. The ancient site had a similar infrastructure; only difference that it was contingent on the location of the temples. Instead of focusing on places of worship, the contemporary layout we propose is vis-à-vis nature. Likewise, domiciles can be evenly dispersed among community sites (i.e. school, library, theatre), parks & leisure areas, pathways, athletic & recreational facilities, small trade spots, etc.